• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2014


Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

i come here thinking are you still alive and i see your most recent blog and i'm like *blink* thats a pleasant surprise

OMG :pinkiegasp: YOU'RE MAKING A SEQUEL THATS AWESOME :rainbowwild: (sorry bout caps just excited to see my favorite fanfiction get a sequel):twilightblush:


Your story is amazing. I have never before cried reading a fanfiction, but I was bawling like a baby near the end. Absolutely beautiful.

Thank you so much for the Fave of The Youth in the Garden! That you would means that my efforts to commemorate a life and a battle worked to some small degree.

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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