Then Tomorrow CameTwilight falls for Rainbow Dash but finds herself on the wrong end of a love PonyAmorous
50,224 words
· 676 · 58
Private GigSome Canterlot entertainers aren't just musicians... and some ponies fall in love with them anywaysby NavyPony
23,217 words
· 1,027 · 20
Top 5 TwiDash Stories
We'll Keep In TouchLeft only with a promise to keep in touch, Rainbow Dash struggles to convey her feelings, and to figure out what the words were that she couldn't say on that one last misty night at the train station before Twilight Soundslikeponies
9,482 words
· 1,039 · 27
Friendship is EmpathyTwilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash's friendship is put to the test as past mistakes are dug Trinary
12,112 words
· 1,494 · 36
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Hello, and thank you for joining Random Romance, whether your a writer or a reader, we hope you enjoy being a part of the group. Contest entrants are voted on by the users so don't forget to read, and vote! If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, just post them on the front page, or PM Danger Beans.