The Anthropologist has been Published! · 1:55am Apr 11th, 2022
Hey, sorry about the long time in between updates. These last couple of years haven't been too friendly on my schedule. First being put on riot control, then working in food banks across my state, then being deployed overseas, I've had a rough time making time in the Army. But with what little time I did have, I used a junky old chromebook to rework and incorporate my story into my own original world, not only finishing it but publishing it as well.
Thanks for the fave!

Hope you enjoy it.
Good job on the stories. Keep up the good work.
You want to thank me for the fave? Thank me with chapters
In response to your thanking me for the favorite.
Your going to have to really try to disappoint me.
Its been great.
Oki doki just wondering