• Member Since 30th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2021

Night Wing Star

love my daughter and all my friends. Nothing makes me more happy than to see I make an effect on people in a positive way. I am an animal rescuer and loving mother and wife. I love writing and MLP.


(X)-Write and publish a short story.
()-Write and publish and finish a really long story.
(X)-Make my first close friend
()-be asked to make art for a story or OC
()-get payed for my art (i know this wonr happen for a while but you know i can dream -_-)
()-Reseve Fan art of my storys.

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So life update · 3:18pm Apr 16th, 2017

I've been gone for awhile if you can tell. Here is why. I had signed up for relationship therapy (it worked) as well as I was given the honor of being the "leader"/ organizer of an animal rescue operation in Russia were my husband is from so I was in Russia for about 4 months. And also some other stuff that's to personal totally about.

Report Night Wing Star · 293 views ·

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About me

-In a relationship: yes, Married actually
-fav color: GOLD!!!
-fav movie: Ted 2
-Fav book: Willow by julia hoban i think
-family?: two sisters, one bother, two brother inlaws, 3 sister inlaws, a husband and a daughter
-pet peves: WHEN PEOPLE DON'T KNOCK!!!!!
-Pets?: hehe 3 dogs, a cat, a rabit and a rescue fox.
-Job: I am a animal rescue operation organiser, i also rescue strays and hurt animals.
-fav show: Duh MLP
-fav person in the world: my baby girl
-were do you live?: im not going o say exactly were but im going to say i live very up north in america.
-fav season: WINTER
-Fav dog: Dochsipoos
-fav childhood show: didnt have one
-choice of makeup: dependos on what im using.
-fav car: SUV's
-hight: HA 4'11
-weight: 154
-college: university of Minnesota (no i dont live there i lived ther)
-crazyest thing youve ever done: When i was 16 i went to a bar with my friends got drunk and we all went to a hot springs and skiny diped (little eyes should not look that up)
-How did you meet the love of your life: i was in a bar on my 21st bitrday and he grabed my a** and said i was hot XD

Soul Eater

Your Lie in April

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Comment posted by Derec mc coy 2 deleted Jan 9th, 2021
Comment posted by Everfree Bliss deleted Jan 9th, 2021
Comment posted by Snickadoodles deleted Jan 9th, 2021
Comment posted by Night Wing Star deleted Jan 9th, 2021
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