• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2017

Soarin skiash

I am currently Living Three different Personalities, And I'm A soarin fan. I make music, Like acoustic soft mellow stuff And metal... I draw, I do art. And I'm weird.


I was so intensely wrong! · 10:48pm Oct 1st, 2016

So uh, that last blog about writing and stuff was bull,:ajsleepy: since I've only planned out one story and it is much longer than the ones I claimed I would be writing, I didn't take into account Turmoil, Drama and crap...:applejackunsure:

Basically I've scrapped the other individual stories I planned, And I'm just going to make the one story that I've been panning out for months now, And Boy oh boy me frickin' lads That Is going to be fun,

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Report Soarin skiash · 329 views ·
Comments ( 22 )
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2240176 I'm No Dud, I'm A Bright loud Blue And Green Firework of epic proportions!:scootangel::raritywink:

2233315 No Prob!:rainbowdetermined2:
Gosh Right Now I Can't Even.

It's Just About The Least I Can Do, The Most I can Do Is Probably Wright A song... Or... Something
...like... That. :raritywink:
Still, Keep Up The Emotionally-Stressful-Million-mile-rollercoaster-That-Doesn't-seem-to-End...
*GASP* How Was I going To End That?:rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Dunno, Keep up the good work! For my sake...:pinkiesad2:

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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I was so intensely wrong! · 10:48pm Oct 1st, 2016

So uh, that last blog about writing and stuff was bull,:ajsleepy: since I've only planned out one story and it is much longer than the ones I claimed I would be writing, I didn't take into account Turmoil, Drama and crap...:applejackunsure:

Basically I've scrapped the other individual stories I planned, And I'm just going to make the one story that I've been panning out for months now, And Boy oh boy me frickin' lads That Is going to be fun,

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Report Soarin skiash · 329 views ·