• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


AJ' most badass moments.


I'm retiring as a Writer. · 1:10pm Jun 18th, 2016

Seriously, at first ah thought it was just Writer's Block or Writing Laziness but then I realized that my talent of writting is not the best! While I might have wonderful ideas, the chance of writing to share them with y'all is impossible as more and more ideas come up and I "write and read it all" on mah mind so when I Write them, it's like reading it for the seventh time. So I would like to say goodbye to all mah fans and sorry to disapoint y'all and ya will still see me here on

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Comments ( 76 )
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Thanks for favorite!

Thanks for your interest in Queen Takes Dragon

Thanks for the fav.

Thanks for the fav I hope you enjoy my stories

Thanks for adding Wrestling A Rainbow to your favorites! Hope you're enjoying the series so far! I'll make sure to give your story a read shortly!

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