Hail to the KingA human soul is stuffed into King Sombra's body. Having no idea what's going on, and thinking he is in some kind of coma, he just casually strolls into the Crystal Empire.by Qwapdo
85,508 words
· 5,957 · 107
Daring DONE!Rainbow Dash finds out that Twilight's mom is the author of the Daring Do saga. Things escalate quickly from there.by Aragon
5,509 words
· 2,983 · 50
Super silly stories that are enjoyable while making little to no sense
EXPLOSIONS???Mr. Torgue, a successful corporation eponymous who loves explosions and yelling comes to Equestria because Pinkie is bored. Ridiculous events follow. Note: Written for anyone to read, assumes no knowledge of Borderlands 2 or its DLC.by Opticlaudimix
36,865 words
· 153 · 6
Thanks for the Fave on my One Piece crossover. To the Grand Line!
Thanks the fav on Celestia's Rocket Adventures! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me a like and some feedback in the comments!
Thank you for favoriting Outsider's Game: Turning Wheel.
Thank you for favoriting Twilight Sparkle Pierces The Heavens!
Thank you very much for the favorite of A Dandy Crusade I'm glad you enjoyed it so much