first fic and units · 9:28pm Jun 21st, 2013
i doubt anyone is going to read this but im writing it any way.
i honestly dont know what to say so ill just get too it
in all my storys i plan on writing i am planing on keep ing units consistant.
all i can think of right now is:
2 hoofs = 1 foot
(1)1bit = $1
(2)small bit = $2
(5)medium bit =$5
(10)large bit = $10
(50)bank bit = $50
(100)royal bit =$100
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Thanks so much for the watch! I invite you to check out my other work; I hope you'll find more enjoyable reads.
Thank you for faving Princess of Thunder. Had a lot of fun writing it. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for the faves on The Celestia Code and The Luna Cypher!
Ponies come and ponies go. Whether into the swirling void or into restful sleep, the only thing that keeps a loved one around after they're gone are our memories of them and the places they share with us in our hearts.
Thank you for making The Incandescent Brilliance a part of yours.
Thank you for the favourite, and thank you for the support, and I hope that once more in the future we may travel the universe together.
- KR