• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2023



first fic and units · 9:28pm Jun 21st, 2013

i doubt anyone is going to read this but im writing it any way.
i honestly dont know what to say so ill just get too it
in all my storys i plan on writing i am planing on keep ing units consistant.
all i can think of right now is:
2 hoofs = 1 foot
(1)1bit = $1
(2)small bit = $2
(5)medium bit =$5
(10)large bit = $10
(50)bank bit = $50
(100)royal bit =$100

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Thanks for the fav!

Thanks so much for the watch! I invite you to check out my other work; I hope you'll find more enjoyable reads. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for faving Princess of Thunder. Had a lot of fun writing it. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for the faves on The Celestia Code and The Luna Cypher! :twilightsmile:

Ponies come and ponies go. Whether into the swirling void or into restful sleep, the only thing that keeps a loved one around after they're gone are our memories of them and the places they share with us in our hearts.

Thank you for making The Incandescent Brilliance a part of yours.

Thank you for the favourite, and thank you for the support, and I hope that once more in the future we may travel the universe together.

- KR

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