• Member Since 29th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 17th, 2015



Hello? · 2:56am Nov 10th, 2014

*Opens up accout again*
Heeeeelloooooo? anypony here? I'm back!
*opens up notifications*
Weeeeeeell shit. I have some catching up to do.

Anyways I'm back (yay!), no wird on whetherI'll try writing again, but hey I'm here again.

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Comments ( 37 )
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Comment posted by Ponynumber14346 deleted Dec 23rd, 2014

1132635 Hey, not everypony's good at writing, and nopony's good at everything. Celestia knows I can draw stuff very well, ESPECIALLY animals. :eeyup: I'm sure you are talented at other things. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Ponynumber14346 deleted Apr 28th, 2014

Well I suppose you actually write stories. I mean I tried a collab once and kind of fell flat. I gathered like 6 legitimate followers. Most of mine are friends/people who follow you back when you follow them. :ajsleepy:

1132343 Blame General Zoi, not myself. Someday when I have nothing to do with 30 bucks I'll comission an actual decent drawing. Maybe when I get 100 followers; I'm pretty close. :pinkiehappy:

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