• Member Since 4th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2019


Gott schützen den Kaiser!


  • Registered: Jul 4th, 2013

Stories ( 13 )

Top Stories

  • ETainted Reflection
    The mirror pool clones are just reflections; shadows of the original. Shards of her soul. Only one clone lived long enough to form their own soul, through experience and emotion - and the mirror pool won't let her back in.
    Imperaxum · 15k words  ·  273  2 · 4.9k views
  • EWe're All Grey
    Twilight Sparkle still thinks Earth, and Humanity in general, can be classified in black and white. A visit to two different, but very similar Normandy war cemeteries might help.
    Imperaxum · 1.8k words  ·  598  20 · 12k views
  • TOutlooks
    The Death Korps of Krieg are a legend in the Imperial Guard, mostly for their unfailing institutional death wish. The Planetary Defense Forces are equally infamous for their general uselessness. A member from each make an unlikely pair in Equestria.
    Imperaxum · 6.9k words  ·  166  3 · 3.3k views
  • EAnd they speak English?
    When the crew of the SMS Vorreiter IV warps to the planet only known as Adequate-928, they're surprised it's green. They are startled when apparently intelligent, organized life is present. And they are truly shocked when the creatures spea
    Imperaxum · 11k words  ·  290  15 · 5.4k views