• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen January 28th


Resident changeling squisher of FiMfic. Changelings beware!


Lyra Heartstrings is a mare who often goes about life with her head in the clouds. Always dreaming, always fantasizing about what could be. She sees her friends and so many others enjoying sharing their lives with that special someone, and wishes that she could as well. To find that special someone she can be herself with and not be afraid, even if that self is a less than socially graceful.

When a chance meeting with a stallion—who is often too laid back for his own good—occurs, it brings about that possibility she's been dreaming of. Music was always her secret passion, and now, it seems that the song of her heart might get what she's been wanting.

Or are things too good to be true again?

A huge thanks to Meridian Prime for his time to edit this story, my little niece for the cover art, and all the people in the YMLT chat who had to suffer my numerous brainstorming ideas. Also a huge thanks to my pre-readers Zomg and Foals Errand. All of you rock!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 55 )

I really like this Zodiac.
Keep up the good work! :rainbowkiss:

6135254 Thank you a ton! More to come very soon. Expect the next update this Saturday. :twilightsmile:

Great start. +1 for not naming it "Thundering Harps" or "Of Harps and Thunder".

6139258 Thanks for that. :twilightsmile: When it came to the title I think I was most of the way done before it hit me. I like to think it will prove a very fitting one for this story.

Let us see where the newest revelations take the two. :pinkiehappy:

This is a really unique shipping choice. Haven't seen it before, so point for originality. As well, it's constructed and written superbly. I love all the characters and the traits and personalities you gave them. Keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

6157166 You know, it's comments like this one I treasure the most. Thank you, good sir/ma'am. I hope you enjoy the rest of this story as much as I did writing it. :pinkiehappy:

You know, I really loved the lunch scene. I don't often get to see nice and calm scenes like this in a lot of fics. It was a great spot to start their relationship and I can't wait to see more of this cute pair. :pinkiesmile:

6170128 Oh, there is much to see yet! Glad to know you're enjoying this. :twilightsmile:

Oh dear. :twilightoops: Jealousy. The curse of many romances.

Great chapter. The dinner scene was really cute.

6182792 Late reply is late. :twilightblush:

Jealousy has always been a key factor to many tragedies in fiction and is a good source of conflict in a story. Enjoy the rest, my friend!

Comment posted by virgoarrow deleted Aug 4th, 2015

I loved this story.. I have a feeling you put a lot of yourself in these characters ! Brilliant :)

The story was decent overall, but its ending felt a bit sudden.

Have a review! From the Pleasant Commentator and Review Group.

Sooo... that happened. I'm not exactly sure what to do with this story just yet, maybe I'm going to be a tad wiser once I've written this thing down.

First off, a few things that annoyed me as hell.
1) "You mean it?" In all it's variations. Lyra is insecure, okay, I got that. But there were times when she asked this particular question over and over and b***ing over again. As I already said: annoying as hell.
2) "I promise!" Seriously, what is it with ponies promising stuff they really shouldn't promise because they don't have any kind of control over it? Thunderlane promised the audience wouldn't laugh. How exactly did he intend to keep that promise in the first place...? Thunderlane promised 'that' would never happen again - once more: How exactly does he intend to make that (not) happen?
3) "Everything came crushing down. Three days later!" No, seriously, what's up with those weird leaps in time? Lyra was humiliated in front of hundreds of ponies - hundreds, not thousands, since I don't think there are so many ponies in Ponyville - and they... what? Just went home, had a nice cup of tea, went to bed and thought to themselves "welp, maybe we'll talk about this some other day"...? Why the heck didn't they charge right after her? And once more: A week after Blossomforths moment of epic idiocy, he cares to try an apologize... a week later. Seriously? Wow.
4) "Hey, you apologized, so everything's fine!" Yeah... no. Lyra was depicted as socially awkward, as introverted and as being victim to a rather severe case of stage fright. After being humiliated in front of hundreds of ponies she's got to deal with on a daily basis? Yeah, no, that's not going to just 'pass by' in a few days. That's the kind of moment in one's life that scars a character for life.
5) "It's all about toys..." Why the heck is romance almost the only thing they talk and care about...?

After throwing that out, some side notes:
1) I swear to Luna's beautiful butt, Bon Bon is the only mature, reasonably acting, kind-of-level-headed pony in this whole, damn story. Every other pony acts like some kind of not-really-grown-up teenager, with Lyra being the worst of them in her naivety to the point of being dense, closely followed by Blossomforth winning the award for best 'no, thinking things through is for losers!'-performance so far.
2) How the heck does Lyra come by? If she's not performing, but living on her own... where the heck does she get her bits from?
3) How hypocritical are the ponies in Ponyville...? They seemed to be nice all around, each and every time, but start to glare and laugh and harass Lyra - and Blossomforth later on - as soon as the opportunity arises. That's just... wow...?! Not even Pinkie tried to intervene when her own party was going down the drain... way to go, number one party pony...
4) Jealousy is a nasty, ugly beast. I know from my own experiences. So on one hand, I can understand Blossomforths temporary stupidity, on the other hand, it's infuriating nonetheless.

So, with the 'bad' and the 'meh' done, what good was in there?
1) As I already said: Bon Bon. Gosh, that mare was fun to follow around, kicking doors, almost-strangling ponies, getting infuriated more and more and more. She was awesome. Downright awesome.
2) It was interesting seeing Bon Bon and Lyra being portrayed as friends, actual just friends, and by that opening up their potential interests in other ponies/relationships. Nice idea.

Final verdict. Hm.
While some things were weird/strange or downright infuriating, it was a ton of fun following Bon Bons struggle to smash some sense into everypony else's head, I can't deny that. And for a 'first time romance'-story, it was actually quite decent. Keep writing, keep practising, there's a lot of potential as far as I'm concerned.
Sooo... yeah. Up-vote it is. And a favourite.

Thank you.

You magnificent bastard! How you managed to put so much detail and expression of emotion in six chapter, and write so well, I'll never know! I hope you write a sequel, or at least another romance story.
P.S. Keep your doors locked. Because if I find you, I will tickle you mercilessly for that awesome title drop.

So far I like this

I glad to hear it! I hope you end up enjoying the whole thing.

Don't be hesitant to let me know your thoughts about the story, it's always welcomed. :)

I’m so glad you did! Always a great feeling to hear my readers enjoying my stories.

Have any key parts you enjoyed the most?

I has a review!

While disappointing that it scored so low with you, I’m happy to see that you enjoyed aspects of it. Being my first romance story, I went with the safe route and followed a traditional story line. I hope you found the characters likable and “real”, if you get my meaning, they were fun to write for.

For my grammatical errors, I had no idea I had so many. Between my own edits and my editor, I had thought I got most of them. I’ll have to head back and see if I can fix the story up for easier reading for people.

Thanks for the review, Paulasaran! Always welcoming of any feedback and hope you enjoy your next story better!


A very good description of someone who has a deficit in Proprioception. People who have this deficiency are often called clumsy, when in fact they have a form of blindness that leaves them unable to tell where they are in relation to the world around them. A bit on the dramatic side, but for those of us who have this problem, this is just life and there is literally nothing that can be done about it.

I’m glad you like it! :twilightsmile:

It still amazes me this old story is still being enjoyed to this day, warms my heart knowing it. I hope enjoy it to it’s conclusion!

“Enjoy your nap there, lazy bones?” Rainbow Dash glared at him with annoyance.

Look Who's Talking 😏

“Oh! Him!” Bon Bon pointed to a bulky stallion who had just walked into the door. With a mighty shout of “Yeeeaaahhh!” he made his way to a table where a group of ponies waved to him.

She set her case on the stump and lifted the latches. With a charge of her horn, the lid flipped open to reveal her most prized possession. The moonlight glistened off the gold plating of her lyre, and her smile was warm as she ran a hoof over the instrument. She carefully lifted it out of the case and sat on the stump. The musical notes ghosted around her as she tuned the instrument.

This is actually a pretty interesting start of a story and the very interesting shipping too as well so Bonbon trying to convince Lyra to come to the party but she felt like she doesn't want to because after that little embarrassment she made the last party wasn't but Bonbon still determined to get her to come and also finding a guy for her and after that Lyra decided to go which bon bon was pretty excited meanwhile up in the sky Thunder Lane was about to relax until rainbow told them about a storm coming and it took them a while to stop it but with enough teamwork they finally stopped the storm and everybody is talking about the party is going to start at sugarcube corner and thunder Lane thinks he could go just because Blossomforth told him to come later that day almost everybody was there and Lyra arrive still kind of nervous about this but she is determined to enjoy the party and her friends try to pick out a guy for her and they chose bulk which is a pretty nice guy and she did talk to him and she got super nervous and not only that and unfortunate event she trip over and made a lot of messes and a couple of ponies were laughing at her out of embarrassment she ran out and she went to the park to calm down while playing with her herp and starting to play but she wasn't alone Thunder Lane was about to get going when he accidentally overslept and he heard the music and he was amazed he said something and Lyra got more embarrassed and just ran off and Thunder Lane felt a shame in basically just left boy again this is an interesting one let's see what's going to happen next

"I thought he said he ate his lunch?” Blossomforth said to herself. “Why did he lie to me?”

Uh oh this is going to lead up to a love triangle

Well that was a pretty adorable chapter so it looks like thunder Lane could not get over about that unicorn at the park but then Blossomforth ask him if he wants to have lunch together with the others which he agrees to he just needs to get it and he'll catch up and he was about to get his lunch box he saw her again and it looks like she was walking during the rain Gathering up some stuff for lunch but then she's saw him and she got frightened and ran away and he tried to stop her that he wasn't going to hurt her anything but she just keep on running until she hit a bush he tried to convince her that he's not going to do anything bad the only she was worried about is he's going to laugh at her which he will never do that after getting out of the bush she just walk home and tell him to go away he said he was sorry that he never meant to scare her like that yesterday after that he was about to leave until Lyra said her name and it looks like she accepted his apology and even offering him to come inside because it's still raining so both of them kind of dried off from the rain and even having a lunch together which it's pretty nice to see they actually get the chance to talk to each other and getting to know each other as well but as time goes Thunder Lane has to get back to work and he was wondering that he would like to have a second date and Lyra said yeah he was pretty happy to hear that and it looks like Lyra was also happy as well when he got to work Blossomforth ask him where is he been and he told her that he just ate lunch underneath the tree which unfortunately she discovered that he was lying and something tells me things are going to get ugly

She shook her head to clear those thoughts. ‘One thing at a time, Lyra, one thing at a time,’ she told herself as she walked down the path towards the park in Ponyville.

Yeah probably not to get ahead of yourself just yet you don't want to rush relationship like that

Lyra looked down as her back rested against the bench and her lower hooves touched the ground. “What? I’m not slouching am I?”

Oh yeah that's right Lyra and her Obsession of humans with a lot of people always talks about her but at least she's not as crazy in this story

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Lyra repeated the saying while doing the motions. The three looked around for a moment, expecting a certain pink pony to appear suddenly, but breathed easily when she didn’t.

Lucky ponies lol

“It totally will,” Blossomforth said before she removed a bag lunch from her saddlebag. She dug out a wrapped sandwich and took a healthy bite.

Unfortunately it won't

He shook his head. “Lyra, you’ve got to stop putting yourself down. You are amazing!”

Yeah you got to give yourself some credit here Lyra

With a badly contained sob that shared both loss and anger, the pegasus leapt from the tree and flew with all speed for her home. Her crying hadn’t stopped by the time the sun rose the next morning. Only now, the tears carried with them the bitterness of anger—and the seed of jealousy.

Oh boy I knew this is going to happen and it's going to be very awkward between Lyra and her

“You… how could you? How could you do this to me, Lyra? You were my friend… Why?”

Now listen here I know you're upset but it wasn't Lyra's fault she didn't know

Well I got to say it was a pretty nice chapter although it gotten really ugly in the end so Lyra was pretty happy and everything and she met up with Bonbon at the park they were just talking about something until Lyra told Bonbon that she seen somebody and she wanted to know who it is but she didn't give the name and she beg and bag but she didn't budge on it but then Blossomforth showed up and ask them what's going on and Lyra said the same thing as well but didn't say the name then bon bon mentioned something that's going to be a talent show going on and she wanted to invite Lyra to go and maybe her mysterious boyfriend as well but afterwards she left to get ready for dinner and she was pretty happy for that and Blossomforth and bon bon wanting to see the mysterious Pony but unfortunately Bonbon can't she's got a date but Blossomforth would give her some update but unfortunately she will not like it later that night Thunder Lane arrived and basically they were just having dinner at Lyra's home which she wanted to cook something for him which he never had any home cooked meal that much so this is a pretty exciting day for him after dinner he asked her if she can play that music that she played back at the park which she was hesitant to do this but he encouraged her to do this and she did and he was pretty amazed how talented she was even ask her to audition for the talent show and once again she was pretty nervous and finding out that she has stage fright but Thunder Lane wants to reassure her that he's going to be there cheering for her which that was nice of him to do that but he realized how late it was so he has to go home but before he did he said good night to her and they even share a kiss with each other which oh my God that is so adorable and she was pretty happy with that but unfortunately things is going to get ugly because unknown to them Blossomforth was there and she felt betrayed and Brokenhearted and now she's even mad at Lyra this is going to be very bad between them

A slow, cruel grin slowly crossed her muzzle as a thought occurred to her. “Yes. I can’t wait .”

Oh boy something tells me she's going to regret this so much shame

Thunderlane tilted his head curiously. “I didn’t know Blossomforth was single. I thought for sure she’d have a coltfriend somewhere.”

If Only You Knew

She watched as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, put on a staged magic show. While it was cute that they were trying slight of hoof tricks, Lyra giggled when a whole deck of cards showered over the audience. Giggling even harder as she saw one card stick to Thunderlane’s nose. He had tried shaking it free, but it has stubbornly clung until a sheepish Sweetie Belle removed it.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders should get some lesson from Trixie or should I say the great and powerful Trixie lol

They both turned at the sounds of applause and laughter and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders make their way back stage—somehow covered in tree sap.

When the world did it get the tree sap from??

Blossomforth smiled just faintly. “You will, trust me.”

That's not cool Blossomforth 😕

A few guffaws went up at that and another voice spoke up. “Went from a musical number to slap stick humor just like that. She really is talented.”

Oh dear I know things is going to get very ugly really quickly so Blossomforth was pretty down in the dump after when it's saying what happened with Lyra and thunder Lane and she wanted to talk with Bonbon about the situation leaving out some details until Lyra told them the news that she's going to enter the talent show and also meeting the mysterious boyfriend which Blossomforth knew about it but she didn't say too much and she left in her bitter mood and Lyra was hoping that she's going to be there and she is unfortunately not in a good way the night has finally come the talent show is beginning and Lyra was beginning to get more nervous than ever but luckily Thunder Lane gave her some encouragement that she's going to be doing very well there and she even introduced to Bon Bon and caramel to him and it was pretty nice to see that and it was Lyra's turn but then Blossomforth showed up and Lyra was pretty happy to see her but to Blossom it's not a good thing because she's trying to sabotage her when she began playing her music in front of the people everything turned out pretty well and everybody liked it until blossom sabotage that and making Lyra trapped over and she was made fun of once again Thunder Lane tried to help her but then Lyra was really upset with him telling that he broke his promise and basically telling him never to see her again and she ran off leaving him broken hearted as well oh blossom that was just evil what you did

“I felt so ashamed!” Lyra cut her off, tears running down her face. “I was just so upset and embarrassed that I lashed out at him when it wasn’t even his fault. How can he forgive me after doing something like that? He-He...”

I don't think he would think like that way he just felt that seeing you hurt really hurt him as well

“Hey, Thunderlane,” he heard a voice greet him. He turned to see Blossomforth push another cloud next to where he had just placed his. “How’re you doing?”

Speaking of the devil 😡

She smiled widely. “Anytime for you, Thunderlane.”

Now you're just being so desperate

She ground her teeth before speaking. “I really don’t see what you see in her, Thunderlane. I really don’t.”

And she started to show her true color and not in a good way

“But then Lyra came along, played one little song for you, and you fall head over fetlocks for her? I don’t get it! What did I do wrong? Am I not attractive to you at all? Was I not straightforward enough? I just don’t get you, at all, Thunderlane.”

Well first start blossom she's not crazy like you are and desperate and what you did was downright awful

“Because she was stealing you away from me!” she yelled right in his face, and he could see the pain and anger in her eyes. “I’ve worked so hard, so hard to get you to notice me, but instead, you went after her! I couldn’t let it happen. I care for you too much to lose you to somepony like Lyra!”

Well now you lost him and mostly everybody would not like you was it worth it blossom

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