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An Unimpressive

How did you find your way here? Nobody here but us ghosts.


In an Equestria where it is more than okay to be gay, Roseluck finds herself without a special somepony of her own. However, change in the form of an earnest, yet odd, quills and sofas salespony is on the way. The only problem is this: he's a stallion. And Roseluck's no filthy breeder, is she?

A commission for T_K_21.
Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 238 )

So a universe in which its more socially acceptable to be gay?

Gorgeous cover-art, amusing blurb and by Vimbert the impressively Unimpressive, no less?

I cannot read this soon enough.

Sorry for the notification, Vim, I'll be sure to edit this when I'm done reading with a full and thoughtful repose, just leaving my initial reactions here to temper, or compliment, my reaction to the story itself.



His ears shot up, and he recovered, zipping around to her side. “Me! Not stock quills? Ridiculous! What kind of low-down salespony would lure a customer in with promises of one product, only to just have another that sold at a higher profit margin and was less hassle in ordering since this hypothetical salespony would deal in less volume?” He coughed. “No ma’am, not me.”

Interesting thought process, there, and it made me chuckle at first, but then I remembered he lived in the same town as Twilight Sparkle. Profit margins be damned, there's the demand aspect of supply and demand.

“He really wasn’t. Tried way too hard to be quirky and funny, I think, and it just made him seem odd and annoying. Couldn’t stand him.” Rose sighed

The fact that this line is delivered by Rose is what really nails it for me. Yes, the new doctor truly does frustrate me, Matt Smith has his moments but whereas David could take the same lines and make them seem... Old and wise, if somewhat bitter and cynical, Matt just doesn't have that same panache to his delivery, which wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem had the writing quality not dropped severely, like an unimpeded stone in freefall.

Sorry again, I'm very aware this is only tangentially related to the story, but it made me think nonetheless.

“Well, if you want…” His eyes drooped to a half-lidded state. “But wouldn’t it be more fun if you kissed me good morning?”

God damn that is a smooth, brilliant line. Like, wow. Wow. Be exceptionally proud of that piece of wordsmithery, sir.

Finally, something that really, truly struck me;

How come the Cakes were never brought up? Ponyville's most prominent outright heterosexual couple? I mean, they're out and proud, they're as greyscale a flag waver as it comes! Or Spike and... Well, he's not a pony, but you get the idea.

Still, all the tonsil spelunking was definitely amusing, and it's always nice to see a spotlight cast on the background ponies, but at the expense of a few major characters of note? Just bugged me is all.

Anyway, exceptionally amusing, very cute.

I swear you are taking a shot at the fandom's need to make everypony gay

Question: How does a mare falling for a stallion in a town where its ok to be gay mean she is a filthy breeder? Wouldn't it be a normal thing?


Nice reversal of things. I liked it.

~Skeeter The Lurker

... I am SO reading this. Will edit in a bit.

Edit: ... OH... MY GOSH... I died laughing SO hard... This was AMAZING... Thank you. Wow...

NTSTS #7 · Jul 26th, 2013 · · 5 ·

ew straight :pinkiesick:

A universe where pretty much everypony is gay.

Well, the thing is that new foals are born (obviously), but since everything's flipped on its head, the norm is that procreation is just tolerated as a necessary evil.


so they accept the way that foals are born, but if their was a way for foals to be born from a mare and a mare and a stallion and a stallion, then...they would kill whoever was straight?

I would try to make a comment about your reply to Pen Brush... but I have no idea how to phrase it that won't make it sound homophobic.

No, they wouldn't go that far. I doubt the mob at the end of the tale would have done anything more extreme than just berated Rose and Davenport for a while. Because seriously, not even I'm going to write an Equestria where lynch mobs roam the countryside or some other horribly ill-fitting nonsense.

Weird idea but entertainingly played out.

In the end, well done.

That is all.

THANK YOU! I was trying to find this video, since I'd seen it months ago and I wanted to try to achieve the same feel of that kind of world. This was exactly my inspiration (although I didn't want to go quite as serious).

You're welcome:twilightsmile: I could tell just from the premise that this is what you were going for. I haven't read the fic yet, but I left a fav and thumbs up just for referencing this :heart:


Interesting thought process, there, and it made me chuckle at first, but then I remembered he lived in the same town as Twilight Sparkle. Profit margins be damned, there's the demand aspect of supply and demand.

Oh hell, that does make sense. Uh... smokebomb!

How come the Cakes were never brought up? Ponyville's most prominent outright heterosexual couple?

Actually, there is mention of them, although it's subtle:

Still, some self-sacrificing souls kept their stores open to bring happiness to others. Mrs. and Mrs. Cake were two such ponies, judging by the long line of Ponyville residents waiting to enter Sugarcube Corner.

Rule 63 to the rescue. I had intended to also slip in Cadence with some mare and Shining Armor with Flash Sentry or something to show that I broke every canon hetero relationship, but it felt a little forced in the context of the story.

This was a very good twist on a lot of things. Very well done, Vimbert.

That video. I had feels. They overran my brain and murdered me :pinkiecrazy:


You have committed a crime against puns.:flutterrage::rainbowlaugh:

I've read a few stories with this kind of premise, but I have to say this is definitely the best. It has balance; the others really just overdid it and completely lost the believability.

Well. This story made me think of the multiverse in a much different light. I totally forgot to rule in these universes. Yes, my mind does think of the multiverse constantly. Deal.:coolphoto:

2936530 I can make the reply for you, if you want. I'm Christian so most of the internet hates me anyway.

On topic: I can't tell if the satire I'm seeing is imagined or on purpose... and I can't really tell who it's aimed at. Either way this fic is pretty entertaining and it has a nice ending. Have a like.

I love how you made everyone gay to the extreme. Like, unable to keep it to themselves (well, at least in the case of RD and Flutters). But yeah, reading this sort of switched perspective always gives me shivers. And what lovely code words :twilightsmile:

I am glad I read this! It was hilarious!

"Do you in fact have any quills at all?"

Even this old, unrepentant breeder found this amazingly funny.

hey I grabbed this for a review in the next few days


Hi there, Christian, I'm a christian too! :pinkiehappy:

anyway, haven't read the story yet, and that video gave me the most feels. Ever. Seeing that video made me wish I could be a man and cry.


Cool. Link it to me once it's done.

Ah, nothing like taking a trope and turning it upside down, applying bannanas, ice cream, cherries, and nuts. Lots of nuts. Very enjoyable. :moustache:

Twilight furrowed her brow in irritation for a moment. “Of course not! You all know that Princess Celestia and I are happily engaged!” A dreamy look came over her features for a moment before she regained her senses.

Twilight, stop abusing your reality re-write destiny swapping doom spells for personal gain. You aren't fooling anyone.


A genuinely hilarious breath of fresh air to read :rainbowlaugh:

Hmm... interesting. Great writing, though the message gives me pause.

Very sad. The world is a dark place, isn't it?
While I am against homosexuality, I would never bully someone for it (or for anything, really)

Cry, man, cry. That video represents a tragedy that deserves grief. Jesus, the perfect man, indeed wept.

Okay, now I'm going back to fun, cute, and innocent ponies with no romance period.


Well done. Really, I liked the over-the-topness of it all! But the concept has been done before... a lot. The whole "Lesbians... lesbians everywhere" thing, and the mocking thereof, has been around for a minute. I myself loathe inter-mane six shipping and the insanely contrived reasons people come up with to explain how you don't even need stallions to reproduce (then... why are there stallions?). More to the point I hate how people get so butthurt when I dare to suggest that the Mane six aren't gay.

But regardless, this was cute, funny, and well-written. Have an upvote and a mustache. :moustache:

Cheers, brother! :twilightsmile:

This was quite the interesting story. It was very amusing and filled with themes at the same time just with a simple swap of common beliefs in our world.
It would be interesting if a book would be published with the same premise as in this, and see how the rest of the world would react to it.

I enjoyed the story a lot, and I was especially amused at your ever continuing ship of Twilight and Celsius Celestia (it is one of my favorite ships, so I certainly don't mind).

Ah, finally a world where I am closer to normal, except for the whole "bi the way, I am occasionally interested in males" thing.

This story was pretty amusing. Such flipping stories are usually done pretty badly. This one was done decently, which is unusual. Badly done ones do more damage than good with people.

People get really attached to their headcanon, particularly where shipping is involved. It's far worse in some other fandoms, but I always find it amusing when it shows up in ponies.

Good story:twilightsmile:

With this a statement though?:rainbowhuh: It felt like a statement :moustache:

Yes. Anytime I humbly comment on something like this, the backlash is staggering. That one fic in the featured box, Maidens Day. I idly commented about the contrived reason why there were no stallions allowed. Suddenly, I'm an intolerant, heteronormative(whatever the fuck that means) bigot and a hypocrite because I edit for darf yet I hate gays and kick puppies and eat babies and sacrifice goats to Baal.


So basically, the audience for mane six shipping is Tumblr.


Apparently. I just sit back and giggle over the fact that if these people only knew my favorite porn sites...

2937876 Uhuh. That's what they all say. :ajbemused: Next you'll be telling me how your best friend is a zebra.

Well I'll let you know, there is NOTHING wrong with Heterosexuality. Nowhere has Celestia said I'd go to hell for loving a mare.

Loving a human... well, thats a different story.


Watched it. Wow, it hit hard. I guess that says just how fortunate I am. I'm LGBT+ but haven't had that sort of shit yet. I guess it kind of helped that I didn't fully realize I was queer as a kid. Didn't hit me across the face like a 2x4 till age 22. Kind of worry these days because my queerness just became so much more visibly obvious than it used to be (I am at the very least a 10 footer). I wonder if I just haven't gotten much yet because I am very big for a girl (bigger than most guys even) and very butch, and no one has felt lucky yet.

I liked Twilight's speech. It feels so shoehorned in, just like a real politician's. Now all we need is a "It's okay not to be gay"-parade/party by Pinkie Pie and the day will be ultimately saved.
On a unrelated note: Why is the hetero-flag a grayscale rainbow? If you wanted to be all cliche about it it should have been a pink/baby-blue flag.:raritywink:
Also, what's Daring Do's statement about that flag?

This fic was so refreshing from those other shipping stories where het relationships are non existant. No I'm not anti LGBT. I just like stories with equal exposition for both types of relationships.


Դուք արժանի է բեղերս

That's Armenian for 'you deserve a moustache too!' :moustache:

Oh, hey, it's that premise I've been staying far away from because I couldn't imagine it not offending everyone.

A universe where being gay is accpeted -- or rather, praised.
Why not?

Oh this is some powerful stuff. Wow :pinkiehappy:

2938308 It's because any decent guy knows that girl on girl is hot, you see.

Actual comment on the story. It's refreshing. Well done.

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