• Member Since 18th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen June 24th

Seeking Dusk

Myriad the ideas in eternal blossom, Meager the words ever written, such is the plight of the one Seeking

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Comments ( 172 )
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Rip dead stories and no blogs from the author even though they was online 11/22/23

I hope one day you finish three foal wish that story had the most interesting concept the idea that they are both native and foreign inside one body.

Enjoy the story.

Thanks for the fav!

  • Viewing 168 - 172 of 172
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D&Z Tails · 2:47am Jan 10th, 2018

I'm sure most of the good folk that find this blog will know I do a lot of shared work with Bluemoon. I mean, there is an entire widget on my profile with stories we've worked on together.

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