This group is for anyone who wants to read or create stories pertaining to the Trans-Cosmic universe. I ask that everyone respect each other and have fun while writing/reading, and don't be afraid to ask for clarification regarding the original story or anything pertaining to the canon. Any stories that I particularly like may be requested to be incorporated into the main story. As of now, Princess Cadence has been released as a "safe character" since you now have a general idea of her situation, and enough to start a story with. She is going to play a big role in the story though, so if more than one story about her is written, I will choose the one that most closely fits where I want the main storyline to go, and will incorporate how she turns out into my own story.
There is no limit to the amount of stories about one pony's specific story regarding this universe, which means, for example, there can be twelve different stories about Cheerilee and the trials she goes through because of the event. No tag is off-limits and OC's are more than welcome to make an appearance. I only ask that you please ask questions if you need clarification on something regarding this universe instead of just assuming. NSFW is allowed as is foalcon (if you're into that), so have fun assisting the creation of this universe!
Congratulations! This group is being featured in New Groups.
In the judgement of the groups that took place today, this group beat a vast majority of the groups on Fimfiction with its freshness, earning it a spot in the Groups of New.