• Member Since 30th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Hey I write things. Like litterally all the time. Sometimes it is pony related and that ends up here. Funny how things change this used to be a sometimes thing but now its all the time.

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I've done it again... ;_; · 2:07am Aug 12th, 2019

So I guess this might be another story announcement. I mean it definitely is one just that I'm not certain I will actually upload it. I have a new standard in uploads, in that I need to have four chapters written before posting. So the first one is written and I intemd to keep writing but to be honest the last...let me check...nine...damn it...havent gotten there. Well that isnt quite true one got to five chapters, if you count the prologue, but the point is I've been having trouble keeping at

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

Thanks for checking out A Demon's Loss Is a Mortal's Gain! Glad you added it to your favs! Hope to see you around!

Thanks for adding All the World's a Stage to your favorites :)

Thanks you for adding Spike's Road to Love Beyond Rarity to your favorite.

2076146 This might sound nit picky but I did want to point out that I intentionally chose not to indent the story due to only publication and that in those cases I have been told ( that is online only) that you either indent or you put a space break between each paragraph not both. All that said this isn't a big deal to me either way, just wanted to point that out. Also again thanks for the edit , and sorry it took me a bit to get back to this.


chapter one of edits. only a few spelling errors where found and the rest where grammar.

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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