This is a group dedicated to the masterpiece of Law Abiding Pony, The Chaotic Touch of Harmony!
A unique fanfic, based in a universe first created by the author, humans transform into ponies, and gain understanding of magic, just before a time of great calamity; The Mion Invasion. Only through clever use of their new knowledge will humanity survive...
Joiners are welcome; We look forwards to any side-fics to come!
Hello there! I’m one of the Editors of CToH and I wanted to try to help anybody that would like to try writing a side story so I made this Timeline! This is all rough, I skimmed through Part 1 and came up with this. I may have missed something and both LAP and I encourage you to give input or point out something missed or forgotten. Spoilers Ahead!
Roughly 4 & ½ months
Best guess starts Saturday 16 March 2013
Day 1 - TF begins
Day 2 - TG, TF finishes
Day 3 - Alexia learns TK
Day 4&5 - Meets Conrad and Loki
Week 2 - International Science Fair, Herald arrives
+6 days - First Infection, Twins conceived
1 Month in (or pretty close) - Alexia CM, Party, Discord, Picked up, Arrive at Ranch
+1 day - Loki CM
+3 days - Contact with Twilight
+1 week - Meet Thompson, Cult, Michael
+3 weeks - Anti-Magic, Crimson, Twins, Conrad CM
2 Months in
+2 weeks - Rocky Springs
- Wyoming Ranch closes (somewhere around 3 month period)
+3 weeks - Alex’s Flare, Crimson CM (Saturday)
- Sunday, Herd formed
- Monday, ‘Princess’
- Tuesday, Alex’s Address, Attack on DC, (late evening/ early next day) Bowler’s Attack
Next Friday Alex recovers, Herd leaves Ranch
Saturday Oppenheim
+3 days - stay quarantined at hotel in San Francisco
Arrive in Trinity Wednesday
Part 1 Ends
Saw something wrong? Or just want to make a comment or ask a question? Post it here!
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Working on a fic, having trouble with the mods. Hoping to get it fixed.
Writer picked it up
We are go! now just need to find out how to run a group XD First thing's first... Streamline it by adding each of the main fics...
Waiting on the writer and his friend for legitimacy. If they pick it up, we'll see how this crazy ride goes If they don't, dead group.