• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen May 24th


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Wow whatever · 6:26pm Aug 11th, 2016

I'm back from wherever I was. I was kinda stuck in the homestuck fandom but that shit got boring after 7 long acts. Anyway. I am expected to be more somewhat active now. And photoshop is always fun to toy around with so yeah. You mlp fans are pretty awesome for staying strong with the fandom. I haven't watched one episode past season 4 episode 3 for about 2 years. XD. I am hoping to hop back in with you guys.

Report Spider · 308 views ·
Comments ( 77 )
  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77

I have commanded this servant bunny to dance for your amusement in exchange for your favorite of A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake.


Thanks for Favoriting Drake's Empire! :moustache:

Thank you for the watch. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

I am sorta a little bit misanthropic. I am not too fond of liking humans at my school currently too much. I also love the human slave pony master thing.

Danke for faving A New Dawn, may I ask why you did?

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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