• Member Since 24th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Comments ( 80 )
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Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites.

Thanks for adding 'Are you sure you want to do that?' to your favourites!

Thank you for the fave on Iron Sunset! I hope you enjoy it!

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omegle · 4:37am Jan 20th, 2015

I iwas just on omegal and this

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
y hate bronies
cause they are immature as all hell
And the clopping
God, the clopping
if you wanna be a pony
just be a pony dammit
don't worship them
that's just too far
"If you want to be a pony, just be a pony."
That's the best thing I've ever heard.
i seriously believe that
That will be my motto from now on.

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