• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
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Dragon Angel Knight

Trying to get back into a bit of writing. Comments are welcomed!


Story updates · 10:00pm Dec 7th, 2022

I've gotta appologize for the wait times between chapters, truly. Burn out coupled with work and seasonal crap...

That aside, Crystaline Twilight is going to be far more difficult to write than i anticipated. I knew going into it that Clovis Bray I was an ass, but i wasn't aware of how much of an ass he was until MyNameIsByf put out a video about the current season of D2.

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Report Dragon Angel Knight · 104 views · Story: Crystaline Twilight ·
Comments ( 118 )
  • Viewing 114 - 118 of 118

There's a sequel, prequels, and side stories if you like, no worries. Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the favorite on Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart. :twilightsmile: I do hope you enjoy it.

Thanking you for the fav on my story. Your welcome in the Bar anytime.

Thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 114 - 118 of 118
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