The Substitute DemonRight before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Reykan
487,282 words
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It Takes a VillageSpike only wants things to stay the same. Time, however, has other ideas. He's going to need determamfidd
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Wild CardA Satyr is sent into the Chess Game of the Gods by his patron, Lady Luckby Barrel-of-fun
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1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite FacehoofingNightmare Moon banished Celestia, only to be defeated by Ahuizotl. Ponykind were made the scapegoats to blame for her scourge. 1000 years they pray for a saviour to deliver them. Anypony will do. Enter the last hope, a pizza delivery Pen Mightier
118,354 words
· 1,751 · 79
Does anyone have a copy of "Nightmarish Fantasies by RandomGuy16"
I just need a copy of the story "description". The Authors synopsis disappeared when I restored my archive.
If you have it, just paste it to my profile page, Thanks.
Thanks, The Monk
What happen to all your story
Whatever happened to the story you had posted nightmarish fantasies
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