• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen June 29th

A Nobody

Hey FIM... It's been a minute.

My Creativity!


Idek what to title this · 7:38am Feb 15th, 2022

This has been a really interesting journey of rediscovery tbh. This entire site was such a huge part of my life all those years ago, some of it feels like it was just yesterday.

I watched the G5 movie just recently. I liked it! It's interesting that it takes place so far in the future that the Main 6 are basically myths and legends. I'm curious about how the split between all the pony races occurred, but maybe I missed that in the later seasons of G4.

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Report A Nobody · 144 views · Story: Renegades ·

My Achievements and Things I Wanna Achieve

[ ] Write a story that actually includes the Mane Six
[ ] Write a story completely focused on somebody else's OC
[ ] Draw somebody else's OC
[ ] Finish a (non-one shot) story
[ ] Effectively edit a story that is eventually finished
[X] Get followed by 50 people
[ ] Effectively write and finish a comedy story
[X] Effectively write and finish a romance story
[ ] Write a story that reaches 10,000 words
[ ] Write a story that reaches 100,000 words
[ ] Make twelve chapters for "What happens when your birthday scenarios are overheard by the Princess of Equestria (and the sun)
[ ] Have 10 stories
[ ] Use ten OCs in one story

Comments ( 172 )
  • Viewing 168 - 172 of 172

Hey, thanks for favoriting Murder On Lilac Lane! :twilightsmile:

You're very welcome, my friend! Happy to do it!

1949719 No problem! Thank you so much for yours!!

Thank you so much for the follow, Ace!

I'm gonna get ya.

  • Viewing 168 - 172 of 172
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