Golden Oaks Reading Circle 26 members · 7 stories

The Golden Oaks Reading Circle is the place to share, review and discuss all your favorite stories.

Anyone can create a new thread for a new story. Any new thread should start with at least a three paragraph summary/review of the story, however. Making a new thread for one of your own stories is allowed, but generally frowned upon... if your story is worth to be discussed, you should be able to convince one of your readers to write a starting review.
Please try to hide spoilers that are vital for the story, especially for longer stories. Not everyone reading the threads has read all of the story in question yet, so at least the first post should do its best not to spoil too much for them.
If you make a thread to share a story that's just a complete disaster and so bad it's funny, please make it obvious in some part of your review. Preferably the beginning, end, or the thread's title. Threads for Mature stories should be marked as such in the thread's title.

Asking the author of the story if they mind their story being added to this group isn't necessary, but it's always a nice touch. If an author insists their story be removed from the group again, I will have to remove it from the folders and possibly delete the thread.

Aside from general reviews and discussion, you can rate stories with 1-10 :moustache: (or other icons if it fits the tone of the story). Stories that have at least ten ratings of that kind can get the "Reader's Choice" award if the ratings have an average of at least 8.0, or the "Fantastibad" award if the ratings are below 3.0 on average. Ratings are not counted for the score if the post has less than three lines of review. "Good story, 10 out of 10" is just embarrassing for everyone involved.

Stories will be moved into general folders based on the story's tags. Separate folders will include stories that have earned the "Reader's Choice" or "Fantastibad" award, or "Challenges" (stories of at least 100k-200k words, the kind that would last a casual reader at least a week). More folders might be added if there are good reasons.

P.S.: Don't be a jerk, obviously. Try to keep it polite and constructive.

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