• Member Since 9th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday

The Diplomat

Let's sit down, have a little talk, and find ways to be excellent to each other.

Collabs and stuff


Gonna try my hand at the whole HiE shtick · 5:40pm Nov 13th, 2015

That's right baby, I've become a monster and succumbed to the HiE hype.
Actually, I thought of this story just a few days ago and it's been stuck in my head ever since. Wrote a big chunk of it just now, expect publishing in a day or two. It's Anthro for a reason, though. Prepare! Get hyped!

Report The Diplomat · 442 views ·

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Comments ( 72 )
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Thanks for the fav!
Not sure what called for it, but thanks!

Hey, if you’re a fan of AstroMouse’s My Little Punnies, please consider checking out my own anthology of debatably clever wordplay, Ruined for Pun.


Thank you for favouriting "Fluttershy and the Janitor"

Hi there! Thank you so much for the fave on Amethyst Nightmare! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav!

  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72
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