• Member Since 27th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 6th, 2019


I write pony fiction and I love it! Tell me what you think and you never know, I may use it!


Just giving an update. · 8:38pm Jun 20th, 2015

Well, it has been a while, so I thought I would put up a small post to let you all know the status of various things.

'So I Heard...' is on a hiatus at the moment, I know what I want to do, but not how I want to get there at this time. I will write it eventually, but for now, it is on the back burner.

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Report Higherbeach · 536 views · Story: Remember when I ...? ·

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Comments ( 209 )
  • Viewing 205 - 209 of 209

yo dude love your storys!

Oh man, is one of the best romance writers on fimfic back in business?!

Well this is a blast from the past. What up?

Hey man, long time no see. I was retreading through old favourites and I stumbled on our collab and here I am to say hey :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 205 - 209 of 209
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