• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 4th, 2013



Goddess of Magic: Chapter 2: The Blood Oath · 12:21am Apr 11th, 2013

I am beginning to work on chapter 2 of Goddess of Magic. I know the story line I am following and pretty much have it all planned out at this point. But there are some minor details that I have to fit in here and there. But I hope to have this fic wrapped up as soon as possible.

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Comments ( 21 )
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539650 I've been trying to help others, did a stream of video games where i also answered questions involving 'So I Heard...', and trying to get another chapter made for that same work along with school and an MMORPG myself. Anyway, off to read a few things then sleep, so good night good sir.

Okay, I've been pretty inactive on here up til now. Between work and an MMORPG I'm into now, I don't really have much free time anymore. But Transcendence updated a little while ago. So had to read the new chapter. I. Love. That. Story. :heart:

539603 I have no idea, but I will keep looking (between looking over a few works as I have promised).

That's just wonderful... :facehoof:
Is Note any good at comedies?? :trixieshiftright:

523707 okay, the other author pretty much stopped communication with me all together, so apparently this is a dead project again... isn't life grand?

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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