• Member Since 31st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2018



Getting back to work · 4:18pm Jul 8th, 2013

With all the stuff going on, games I have been playing, and other random crap, I am finally going to get back to writing new chapters for a Colt's Darkness. I have changed the story quite a bit, but it is now much closer to what I originally wanted and it ended up being VERY different from the original idea. I wanted Spirit to be almost heartless and kind of cruel. What I showed at the beginning was that he wasn't what I wanted. I hope that it makes it unlikable for some readers, but this is

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Report GimmyJibbsJr · 495 views ·
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I don't know who you are

Thanks for watching me good sir/lady

Thank you for watching!

Thank you for the (rather unexpected) watch. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the favorite and watch:twilightsmile:


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