• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen July 15th

the ghost

Make comments, they really keep me going


Hey guys · 1:54pm Apr 7th, 2013

So my old school is trying to getting the administration to allow gay couples to go to the prom. This effects a lot of my friends who are gay and want to go to prom. so if you could sign this I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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Comments ( 43 )
  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43

I hope you're doing well in life, friend.

972420 I may have depending on if its a real story or a troll story. If its a troll story I congratulate you. If not... I got some good advice

Do you like the legend of The Pureblood?

ah, I shall probably await them :pinkiecrazy:

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