• Member Since 31st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen May 27th

Eric Longtooth

And sometimes, when the world is already burning, there is little more to do but dance with the flames...

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It appears you have found my lurking place! Congrats, I guess.

(Cozy Reading by Anna Mozgovetc)

Feel free to stick around a bit; pick up a book, get cozy, etc, there is plenty of room around my hearth.

(Not sure where I found my Avatar, but if anyone finds it, it's really good. (Please don't sue me ;-;))


Chapter 9 and the Epilogue · 9:44am Oct 28th, 2019

Well, quick update, Chapter 9 is about... 40% done, with nearly 2k words. I've still got a few more things to do with that, so that may be a little bit yet.
But, the Epilogue is done. Because my brain thought that it would be funny to finish that before the last chapter.
So yeah, this'll be the last pair, and then the fic will be done. I'll post both at the same time, but yeah....

Nearly there.

Report Eric Longtooth · 277 views · Story: A Bronzed Moon ·
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You wanna be friends?

No problem mate, thanks for making me despise Flim and Flam even more. xD

Thank you for favouriting my story. It means a lot.

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