Blog Posts6
66 weeksanswer1 comments · 76 views
I am death I am sorrow, I am life I am love, I am rage I am fury, I am gentle and I am kind, I'm a servant of the Lord, yet I reside in hell, I walk among you yet you do not see me. what am I?
answer: a soldier
116 weeksWhats up.1 comments · 128 views
So an update for everyone on what I've been up to these last couple years.....(sigh).....(deep breath)
my dad was killed, my mother almost killed, (not in that order,) I had to give up my doctorate and switch career fields, so I'll probably be leaning more towards engineering for the near future at least until we can afford my doctorate,
256 weeksThese are real riddles0 comments · 218 views
"from wretched walls, to hallowed Halls, from Golden thrones, to bleeding homes, I walk a thin, line razor fine, I'm an angel, yet I'm a demon, please tell me: what am I"
The answer is "human"
256 weeksI'm back0 comments · 240 views
Hey everybody as you can probably guess I'm back, however I will not be posting very often, I only recently got my creative Spirit back, but you guys should be seeing more chapters very soon as well as a new book later this year, I am happy to announce that me and my sister midnight Rose are writing a collaborative book together, this will be the (as far as I'm aware) third factorio Fic on this site.
313 weeksso... yeah0 comments · 293 views
I am sorry every one but i may not be able to post new chapters any time soon, what with work, the pigs making bacon bits, my own messed up sleep patterns, and the fire wood fucking me over. i've been a little busy, i may, MAY, have time off this fall... no wait moose season, damn it... well when i get the time you'll know, aufetr'sen
may the night guard thy dreams!

Entirely incorrect
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Okay seriously could you people at least try to solve my riddles?
You do some damn find erotica