• Member Since 5th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 6th


Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes and we keep loving anyway

OH MY GOD!!!!!! SO MUCH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really like her outfit

Blog Posts

  • 317 weeks

    Almost 5 years ago I started on a journey. I didn't know where it was going or if I would ever finish. Along the way I met some amazing people who encouraged me to keep going. I met people who wanted to help me reach the end. I met patient and were willing to give me a chance and became interested in seeing what comes next. I was sad it was over, but happy that I took the journey in the first place.

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    1 comments · 512 views
  • 408 weeks
    Future of my Stories

    Sorry for the lack of story updates. I've had a lot going on this past year and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon. I am working on the Sunset story, but life is getting in the way. Thank you guys for staying with me these past months and I really hope I can put something out soon.

    Here's what I have planned:

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    1 comments · 457 views
  • 426 weeks
    Where I Have Been the Last Few Months

    First off, thank you for staying with me over these last few months. It's been really hard for me and I'm just over the moon to see there are people that still care about these stories. And I hope that you guys are still with me over these next few months.

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    2 comments · 480 views
  • 457 weeks
    What You Guys Mean to Me

    Hey everyone. I just wanted to take the time to tell you what you really mean to me.

    I was bullied a lot growing up and I was told that nothing I was going to do was ever going to matter. Even worse, I started to believe it. It got to the point where I would stay up all night working on papers because I needed them to be perfect. My confidence started to rebuild when I gave the best oral report in the class. My papers got better and I started writing down the ideas in my head.

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    0 comments · 332 views
  • 457 weeks
    Mother Celestia Sequal is Here!

    After a few months, the Sequal to Mother Celestia is here! It's called Father Golden and I'm taking a different direction with this one. While Mother Celestia was one story line, these will just be stories of Golden's life. I don't know how long it will last, but I have a ton of ideas. As long as I have ideas, chapters will come out.

    1 comments · 449 views

Favorite PMV

Shameless Self Promotion

Comments ( 20 )
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:pinkiegasp: Woaw! Thanks for the favorite on A Friendship Tale. I sincerely appreciate it! :pinkiesmile:


Thanks for favoriting "Sins of the Mother!" What made you favorite it? I'm always looking to see what people like so I can improve :D

Thanks for favoring Hate that i Love You

I appreciate the favorite on "New Neighbor". Thanks! :twilightsmile:

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