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Cyclopean Insight


Jasmine Dragon going on Hiatus for a while · 3:14pm Dec 23rd, 2015

The Jasmine Dragon is going on hiatus for a little while due to another plot bunny biting me in the butt and not leaving me alone.
yeah... this happened in my head:

That's gonna be a fun ride...
When it's done I'll see about posting it to FFN or something because non-pony means it cant go here

Report Cyclopean Insight · 782 views · Story: The Jasmine Dragon ·

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Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

I need a view password for the Jasmine Dragon???


Thank you for writing such a wonderful fic. It is rare to find that combination of hilarious and heartbreak you've managed to write there.

Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!

Thanks for the favorite!

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