• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2014


I'll write occasionally, and I have one book in progress at the moment...feel free to add me as a friend, and comment if and when I get chapters up.


Newest Story · 6:29am Jun 2nd, 2013

Okay... So, everyone who knows the game inFAMOUS for the Playstation, rejoice! I have written a crossover of that and MLP... It probably isn't that great, and I don't know when I'll actually get it sent in, but I'll get there eventually. It is completely written, and all I need to do is transfer the chapters onto the site, and send it through moderation... so yeah... Cool, right? *Is starting to lose his sanity because of the non-liking of most of his stories*

Report NeotheTwilitUnicorn · 378 views ·

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Comments ( 220 )
  • Viewing 216 - 220 of 220

Thanks for the fave!

If you are actually on, I'm waiting on you by the way. (Page claims you are off)

552893 Check Gamer Luna's newest blog post, she's posted trailers for the new games announced, like Infamous Second Son, KINGDOM HEARTS THREE! and even SUPER SMASH BROS 4!!! Go Megaman in Smash 4!!!

your turn, and by the way, there is now a third Infamous game, called InFamous: Second Son

  • Viewing 216 - 220 of 220
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