• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Courage Fire

Unicorn trained in fire magic and swordsmanship. .. Totally not a changeling royal in disguise. Nope.

Courage Fire/Queen Ember Song (AKA My OC)

Semi-Professional Editor and Proofreader

As noted below, I am either: actively, or have been, an editor, proof-reader, and/or idea bouncer for the stories listed. I'm also available to do editing, and proof-reading for your stories, and at my own pace will I do so, if I do accept the job, as I do have a professional career, that does, in fact, secretly fund some of the great art and stories you may have enjoyed.

Don't get a swollen head, work with criticism and understand that pride is just as fragile as the work you put into it.

Stories In Progress Of Edits

Comments ( 54 )
  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54

Hey feel free to check out my division story or at least the first part if you want to of course and if you do then want me to link it for you?

One of them!
Same character in Rhymes & Riddles, Courage's Inferno, etc. She's in a lotta fiction and art pieces.

Oh hey! I think I remember you. You're the one who owned the characters in Potions and Passions, right?

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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Posting my fics here? · 4:00pm Nov 6th, 2022

I dunno, but some folk are telling me to post my fics, bits and pieces here. I'm a bit hesitant to do so though.

Guess I'm just posting this here just for the sake of doing so and maybe if I come across it I'll either post it in steadfast determination not to be scared or outright stubbornness, or just sigh and scroll on by

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