Guess who's turning 21? · 5:50am May 4th, 2014
That's right. This kitty. 05/04.
In commemoration, here's an artistic rendition of me.
I think you'll understand why the next few chapters might take a bit *hic* longer than expected.
AK Yearling
I'm a cat. I write things; those things are about ponies. I'm a very friendly kitty, but if you make comments about my rear end I will claw your eyes out. That's really all you need to know.
That's right. This kitty. 05/04.
In commemoration, here's an artistic rendition of me.
I think you'll understand why the next few chapters might take a bit *hic* longer than expected.
AK Yearling
Hello? Anyone? AK's been away for almost 2 years, and I'm getting worried...
1152209 Oooooooooh.
My Head
I have, of course, seen Airplane!
You've never seen Airplane! have you?
1151878 Hmm?
Good luck with what?
At any rate, thank you! I'm happy to see that my writing is well-received.