• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2015

Electric thunder


No Longer an Active account · 3:49am Jul 9th, 2015

I am no longer a part of the community, that i did love to be for so long, all my stories will stay as they are but do not expect to see them updated

i wish to apologize to all who gave me the inspiration to be the author i am today, and my love as an author comes from this site, this fandom, all the writers i followed, and you the viewer those who's interest i am falling to satisfy.

Yours Truly,
Electric thunder

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Writers block feels like this...

Comments ( 55 )
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1149095 so I don't have to put your stuff in my read later box

Don't know why you'd want to follow me, but thank you anyway! :yay:

669159 Its my very great pleasure to do so


Thank you very much for your support! :pinkiehappy:

Hello my name is yuginegi I am new on the site and I would be honored if you could read my first fanfic it is called The Shadow Wars you can find it by going on to my homepage its not done yet but the first chapter will be posted tomorrow I hope you get this message and I hope you enjoy the fantastic and I would like it if you can get me some tips on making some good fanfics see you tomorrow then enjoy:twilightsmile:

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