• Member Since 4th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 18th, 2016



Editing and new chapters · 11:13pm Dec 19th, 2012

So most of you will probably not know... well I am now the editor for TallestBrony and I am currently going through all of his chapters and fixing them of grammar and spelling errors, also I am now the co-writer of a new story which will hopefully be published soon by Field_Marshal_Luna, unfortunately this may cause some delay in my own chapers, I have just started chapter seven and I am hopefully releasing it on Sunday/Monday.

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Report AfterTouch · 378 views ·
Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

i was reading "man of war" and TB had put ur b-day up so even though its a year and 9 days late happy b-day

When do you think you'll update your story? Also, no offense, but your story is rather gramatically incorrect, would you like an editor?

Hai, really like your OC in Man of War :3

Happy Birthday! :yay:

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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