Crackshipping 13 members · 6 stories

Can't get enough of such 'classic' and 'logical' ships as Crysalis x Cadence, Ms Harshwinny x Discord, and, Fluttershy x Ted Nugent, then this is the psychological cesspit for you.

Romantic pipe dreams folder is intended for HIE fics

Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 1 - 10 of 10

375764 whatever floats your boat

375793 Well, now my pride and joy shipfic is in there.
Oh, and you're welcome.

375792 i should be thanking you, I had no idea that I locked it

375790 just did, sorry about that

375706 Unlock the main folder please.

I don't think Chrysalis x Cadence is crack shipping.

TrenderPommel is OTP!!!!!!

Please make a folder

Like a folder called main

  • Viewing 1 - 10 of 10