Welcome to the Caramel group!
Home to one of Friendship is Magic's background ponies.
Folder rules
1. Feel free to add stories to all folders they fall into. Any story marked as Mature must go in the Mature folder. No exceptions.
2. Stories must star Caramel in some way. This is focused on him, after all.
3. If there are any hiccups, remove the story from the corresponding folders, or contact someone who has the power to do so and they'll do it for you.
Thread rules
I'm not expecting threads to come piling in every day, given this is a group focused on a single character – and a background pony, at that – but these still need to be mentioned:
1. Fimfiction rules apply!
2. No NSFW (Not Safe For Work) imagery is allowed.
3. Play nice. No one likes insults being thrown around. People have conflicting opinions.
4. Keep threads related to Caramel. Leniency is allowed, depending on the thread, but this isn't The Writer's Group. Other groups handle matters such as editing requests better.
5. Have fun!
And with all of that, welcome to the Caramel group! Enjoy the stories this stallion has to bring.
Second banner provided by Leapingriver.
Congratulations! This group was listed in New Groups. This was deserved because of its freshness.
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