• Member Since 1st Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen July 9th

Dark Law

Control What Others Think About You. Free Space For The Free Minds.



Mayhem Melody


Note to self: Follow these instructions to a T

Comments ( 209 )
  • Viewing 190 - 209 of 209

Thanks, hope you enjoy

Thanks for adding Death Cometh to your bookshelf!

Thank you for the track! :pinkiehappy:

I seem to have been pinged again that you have favorited Shattered Souls. Hey, double the pings, double the joy!

Lol, I hope I am.

So you have found the Cursed One. You'd best be prepared!

Thanks for adding my stuff to your libraries. Looking forward to your comments/criticism!

Thank you very much for adding Nocturnals to your bookshelves

Also thank you for adding 'The Legend of Broly' to your folder.:twilightsmile:

thank you for the fav

Thank you for adding 'BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony' to your folder.:pinkiehappy:

No problem it's been fun and interesting so far, I eagerly look forward to what you do next.

A double order of thanks and fries for your likes of A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake and Shattered Souls

Thank you so much for adding "What do you mean, 'Friend?'" It honestly means a lot to me. If you want, please add a comment on what you like (or even dislike) about the story. You can even PM me if it makes you more comfortable. No worries if you don't. Either way, you have a good day!

Thank you for adding my story to your shelf! :heart:

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for adding my story to your bookshelf.

Thanks for giving my story a read, if you have any pointers, don't be afraid to let me know.

Cheers for the fave.

  • Viewing 190 - 209 of 209
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