• Member Since 18th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 20th, 2023

Praeco Nigrum

What is the life of one? One can change the world... One can change everything... Are you that One? Only you can know...


I return ... And with things anew! · 5:51am Oct 4th, 2017

Hello, my fellow Bronies... It is I, Praeco Nigrum, Master of Star Wars related My Little Pony mindfuckery. I have returned from the depths of real life to give you a new story. It has been far too long that Luna's Dark Knight has sat and acquired so much with such a mediocre plot hole ridden story. That all changes very soon!

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Comments ( 54 )
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That's what I thought! :pinkiehappy: I'm thinking of using it in a story I'm working on. Its a Crossover with StarWars ... and goes back to the Ancient times of Equestria. I would not mind explaining it in further depth if you are interested :twilightsmile:


The New Swarm Emblem if you likeimg00.deviantart.net/7e14/i/2012/300/f/9/changeling_swarm_emblem_by_emkay_mlp-d4x94tb.png

Reminds me of the Legacy Era Emblem for Starwars. And I think an Endless Loop would be pretty interesting lol. AS long as we don't have a battle-hardened Sweetie Belle show up I think we'll be good :twilightsmile:


Yes, yes they would. And I can't wait to read more of your story, it's become one of my favorites :)

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

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Oh, god, if you reply to this one, do I just give you another one, or come up with something else!? Either option leads to an endless loop! 

Yes, yes they would. And I can't wait to read more of your story, it's become one of my favorites :)

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