I return ... And with things anew! · 5:51am Oct 4th, 2017
Hello, my fellow Bronies... It is I, Praeco Nigrum, Master of Star Wars related My Little Pony mindfuckery. I have returned from the depths of real life to give you a new story. It has been far too long that Luna's Dark Knight has sat and acquired so much with such a mediocre plot hole ridden story. That all changes very soon!
That's what I thought! I'm thinking of using it in a story I'm working on. Its a Crossover with StarWars ... and goes back to the Ancient times of Equestria. I would not mind explaining it in further depth if you are interested
Oooh, pretty!
The New Swarm Emblem if you likeimg00.deviantart.net/7e14/i/2012/300/f/9/changeling_swarm_emblem_by_emkay_mlp-d4x94tb.png
Reminds me of the Legacy Era Emblem for Starwars. And I think an Endless Loop would be pretty interesting lol. AS long as we don't have a battle-hardened Sweetie Belle show up I think we'll be good
Thank you!
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Oh, god, if you reply to this one, do I just give you another one, or come up with something else!? Either option leads to an endless loop!
Yes, yes they would. And I can't wait to read more of your story, it's become one of my favorites :)