• Member Since 20th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 21 minutes ago


I keep all of my Displaced stories on this account.

Latest Stories


Deep apologizes. · 8:01pm September 29th

I'm gonna unpublished the latest chapter as I'm not happy with the direction I went with it. So there's gonna be alot of rewriting.

Comments ( 103 )
  • Viewing 99 - 103 of 103

I think it was a Displaced named Solaire.

Wasn't sure who to ask this, but what was the original Dispalced story? It all had to start somewhere I'd think, and I'm kinda curious.

Thank you for adding my story to your library

Thanks for adding my story to your library! I hope you enjoy the read :ajsmug:

Thank you for the addition!

  • Viewing 99 - 103 of 103
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