• Member Since 30th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen May 19th

Reborn Brony

I’m a guy that enjoys writing stories about ponies and usually super-powered humans, and the occasional strange story. Nuff said.


An Update/Suggestion Box · 4:07am Dec 28th, 2019

Yeah, I’m still alive everyone! It’s been a very long time since the last issue of I’ll Get The Job Done was uploaded and began the attack of the Incursean’s and the introduction of certain elements of Ben 10 rolling into the story.

However... I have been thinking as of recently, and it confuses me to ask but I will.

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Comments ( 19 )
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may i add your displaced story's to my Displaced Shipping in my group please

group Pure Balance Dragon Council

Dear Reborn Hero
Are you still planning on making that Randy Cunningham displaced you made a thread about because if you are I would be willing to edit a bit mostly I would just help with spelling but I also help with ideas.

Thank you for following me, could I perhaps inquire why?

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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