• Member Since 26th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Story will be released as I think of them and have time to write them.


Name of a story · 8:20am May 11th, 2022

What is the name of the story where Twilight goes to a different Universe (while fighting Starlight) where she died fighting Tirek? All her friends and family are still alive, no one is talking to Discord, the treebary is a memorial, and both Chrysalis and Sombra are alive and reformed. That's all I remember of it and I want to read it again.

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ok thanks making sure your alive

Yeah, my personal life and work have been keeping me very busy as of late I plan on making a quick little update sometime this week and hopefully I'll be able to find some time to continue working on my story

hi just checking if your alive

Thanks for the favorite!

Thank you for adding At Your Service to your favorites! I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

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