News for Spike gets ALL the Mares and sequel · 4:01am Feb 26th, 2018
I intend to do some revisions for Spike gets ALL the mares in the (hopefully) near future. Also hopefully with some help.
I like FiM, Star Wars, and Tarantino
The Zabrak and the Dragon
Calming Notes and Tempered Claws
Spike's having a......ruff time
Season 5 after Spike got ALL the mares (It's not dead! Kind of in a coma.....but not dead)
The Vampire's Kiss (low priority)
Sirens: The documentary seen (also low priority, bordering on cancellation.)
Gremlins crossover
Planet of the Apes crossover
Dazed and Confused adaptation
Big Trouble in Little China adaptation
Spike x Griffon OC
Dragon Empire takeover
Anthology fic
VinylTavia human romance fic
Trixagio EG romance fic (though I really really really want to do it)
I intend to do some revisions for Spike gets ALL the mares in the (hopefully) near future. Also hopefully with some help.
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Hey DX
(Plant saliva dripping off me) Hey DX
Actually, that's the weird thing: The Facehuggers completely ignored me and went for the plant
Oh wow, good thing you had that plant to make sure your nice vacant viable chest cavity doesn’t become unvacant from that wild facehugger that came from nowhere.
Would talk more but I have to see about some eggs.
Of the chicken variety.
Obviously. What others would I get?
Uh, actually...
(I point to the Alien Plant on my desk eating the Facehugger)