• Member Since 24th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 15th, 2023


I really need to come up with a better bio.

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Whelp, I'm not dead · 8:11pm Nov 3rd, 2015

Hey guys, it's been a few months since I've posted my first story on fimfiction. Since then, the response was phenomenal and also quite intimidating (which is why my story count is still at 1). Believe me, I started writing but every time I'd hit a road block where I'd just delete everything because I felt like it wasn't good enough. And with classes starting... well, let's just say writing got pushed to the back of the queue. However, it's always been nagging at me because darn it, I hate that

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Report Take · 395 views ·


Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

1909003 You never know what's gonna be featured next. People have this weird way of changing things around in the oddest ways, you know? I have to say I'm glad it was there for a while because at first I didn't think it would be good. So again, congratulations.

And yeah it was pretty crazy o.O

:pinkiegasp: Wow! Things Better Left Unseen has been in the featured box for a while now. Congratulations! :twilightsmile:

That flame symbol is for hotfics or fics that are getting alot of likes in a short time.


Hahaha, thanks man!

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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