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- Because as it turns out...Celestia planned to make twilight a princess all this just wasn't her idea...Sigmacipher · 931 words · 505 views
- A human 22-yr old ends up in equestria-seriously people it's on the tin-Insanity ensuesSigmacipher · 3.3k words · 10 6 · 461 views
- Sigmacipher · 1.1k words · 11 5 · 583 views
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Your avatar always makes me think of P.N.03.
2301933 Could've just told me you didn't know.
Ah. So it's just a random cyberpone, then.
2301929 Because I never quite figured out the answer...
You never did answer my question.
Is that an anthro, cyber, Fleur-de-lis?