• Member Since 26th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Story will be released as I think of them and have time to write them.


Name of a story · 8:20am May 11th, 2022

What is the name of the story where Twilight goes to a different Universe (while fighting Starlight) where she died fighting Tirek? All her friends and family are still alive, no one is talking to Discord, the treebary is a memorial, and both Chrysalis and Sombra are alive and reformed. That's all I remember of it and I want to read it again.

Report Talion · 251 views ·

Name of a story · 1:20am Apr 28th, 2022

What is the name of the story where Twilight goes to a different Universe (while fighting Starlight) where she died fighting Tirek? All her friends and family are still alive, no one is talking to Discord, the treebary is a memorial, and both Chrysalis and Sombra are alive and reformed. That's all I remember of it and I want to read it again.

Report Talion · 151 views ·

Update 5 · 12:48am Oct 19th, 2019

Hey everyone I finally got moved Into my parents' place I still have a couple boxes to unpack but other than that I'm pretty much set. I was recently re reading the chapter I was writing and I have decided to re write some of it because I just wasn't happy with it, so again this is more of an update on The story being the laid longer. I am so sorry that I am taking so long to actually update the story about with everything that's been happening in my personal life I haven't been able to

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Update 4th · 3:03pm Sep 15th, 2019

This was an update on the story itself but someone was kind enough to make me aware that by putting updates in my story there was a possibility of one of the moderators could potentially take down my story for a time for being in violation of the rules of the sites so here is a blog post instead of the exact update I made earlier.

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I Have The Power of Gods!!!! · 6:33pm Jan 25th, 2019

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that the next chapter is done and I just need someone to edit it for me. So if you have past experience editing please send me a message I'd really appreciate it. Hope you all have a great day and thank you all for being so patent.

Report Talion · 630 views ·

I HAVE THE POWER OF GODS!!!! and So I'm Nightmare Moon now... this will be interesting · 6:09pm Nov 10th, 2018

So I wanted to give you guys a quick update on my two stories. Yes I am still writing both of them I'm sorry that it's taking me so long but a few things have happened one I've hit a slight writer's block or these two stories that I'm starting to come out of and the other one is life hit me pretty hard in the face recently a lot of family stuff is going on and I've been dealing with that to the best of my abilities I want to take this time to apologize for taking so long with these two stores

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So I'm Nightmare Moon now... this will be interesting and I HAVE THE POWER OF GODS!!!! · 6:05pm Nov 10th, 2018

So I wanted to give you guys a quick update on my two stories. Yes I am still writing both of them I'm sorry that it's taking me so long but a few things have happened one I've hit a slight writer's block or these two stories that I'm starting to come out of and the other one is life hit me pretty hard in the face recently a lot of family stuff is going on and I've been dealing with that to the best of my abilities I want to take this time to apologize for taking so long with these two stores

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I HAVE THE POWER OF GODS!!!! · 9:23pm Sep 18th, 2018

Hi so just posted up the new chapter, I split it in two. I will try to post a chapter once a month for this story just because of work and my personal life are going up and down at the moment. Thank you all that have liked the story and that are we supporting it I do have big plans for this story and I will keep you updated.

Until next time enjoy your day!

Report Talion · 235 views ·