• Member Since 20th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen March 13th

Sword Master

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”-Maya Angelou

Pokemon Blogs

I'm now doing Pokemon Blogs, go and check them out. These will be countdowns that deal with Pokemon. Feel free to comment here or on my blogs with your countdowns or reasons why you think I should had something in my countdown. But please no going crazy about it, it is just my opinion. Also feel free to comment for future countdowns you would like to see me do and I will give credit to you as the one who asked me to do it. So let's get excited for Pokemon as Sun and Moon as they will be here before we know it.
Pictures for this week are linked here:
I own none of these pictures and pictures will change every Sunday


This text box is to remind all followers who wish to write a story or writers who wanted to throw my OCs into their story in a crossover. This is to tell you that you can do such a thing. The only rules are that you must pm me for permission and that you don't change any aspect of my OCs. Also, be warned that my OCs will change with the stories. Also if you have questions feel free to pm me about them, and I'll try to answer them the best of my ability.


Updates · 1:06am Mar 1st, 2020

Hello, all my fellow readers, it is I, Sword Master. I wanted to bring you an update on what is happening at this moment in time. I felt it was right to send something out since I have not published any new chapters lately for my stories. So the reason why is that I usually get home exhaust from work, so I have little to no motivation to write. But I do plan to make a schedule of writing so that I can start getting your content on my stories for you all to read.

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Comments ( 37 )
  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

Sadly, I have not had time to put some significant thought into the remake of it. I have an idea of where I would like to take the remake, but I still have not found time to write again. I am hoping that I will find the time in 2022.

So how's the progress with the fable warrior story?

I hope you been following the steps to keep away from the covid 19 because it'll suck very much

Busy with work, streaming, and painting Warhammer 40k, so I have found no time to write. I still feel the urge to get back in here and return to writing. I am not sure when that will be. Maybe this week, I will get back into the groove of writing and find a way to fit it into my busy life.

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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