• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2023

Lance Skyes

Once a writer, but now gone. You might see him again one day, though...


Soul Searching, Soul Sister, and Soul Soldier · 4:38am Jan 15th, 2018

Hey... it's been a while, hasn't it? Not sure how much right I have to come back here after everything I've done, but this site just kinda popped back into my mind, and I came to the realization (too little too late, in a few senses of the phrase) that I left a lot of people here with a pretty bad taste in their mouths. I... don't really have anything to remedy that, I'm afraid. I just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't just up and die. Though on the other hand, what actually happened

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Report Lance Skyes · 579 views · Story: A New World, A New Family ·

What am I working on? Here's your answer, STALKERS!

Comments ( 363 )
  • Viewing 359 - 363 of 363

2021051 I humbly ask you please give me power rangers. Time force ponies good to see that you're back after 3 weeks

where the hell are you

2021051 power ranger time force now

2021051 i need a Power Rangers Time Force crossover

  • Viewing 359 - 363 of 363
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Cupcake Corner Productions

I didn't have a good pun, so that's the name of my "company" :coolphoto:
Anyway, I started with Pony Rangers, then I remembered the Mine Little Pony mod for Minecraft. I have a huge plan for Pony Rangers, but everything else is just on the side. Now, have a face of Twilight who looks like she's getting f***ed.