In a world far away, where smashing is a way of life and both heroes and villains alike can come together for a friendly competition, danger is brewing. A powerful villain known as Overlord V seeks to conquer the world--nay, the universe! The heroes are powerless to stop him, so a different faction rises to the challenge. Their plan, however, is something even the wittiest of the heroes of this world would never have figured out.
Equestria, a world not so far away. There resides Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. It's a normal enough day there... too normal. Time for something to happen. And that something? A dark angel and a small spherical knight with bat wings suddenly appearing on the scene and kidnapping Twilight. Can Twilight escape her captors? If not, can Rainbow Dash save her friend? And if all else fails, can Pinkie Pie prove to be the salvation of all that exists?
(Crossover with Super Smash Bros. for WiiU/3DS. WARNING: I haven't played all of the games included, so if I write some characters incorrectly (i.e. Marth, Rosalina, Fox, Olimar, etc.) I apologize upfront. ANOTHER WARNING: Since this is fanfiction, there will be shipping. If you don't know what that is, Google it. ONE MORE WARNING: Don't Google shipping. Trust me on this one. Just ask someone from the comments section. They're more likely to give you a less graphic response.)
(This isn't a warning: If you noticed the OC tag on this story, that's because I'm going to put Mii Fighters based on some of my Miis in this story. Take that, trolls of the comments section. I'm one step ahead of you.)
I think the best question is... why is this getting a dislike?
5535689 Assholes.
You said it, brother. That's why I gave this story an upvote without even reading it... I also assume that the reason my Sonic-MLP crossover has so many dislikes is because so many people have done SonDash fics before. You should check out some of the first groups it got put in, like, for example, "The Badfic Bin." And here's the best part. At the time, I only had ONE CHAPTER PUBLISHED. Yeah.
say, dark pit maybe in kid Icarus Uprising game but he also in super smash bros wiiu/3ds game i have both for mewtwo for download code both game and not the soundtrack
5540166 *remains silent*
5544770 Indeed
So I take it that Rainbow Dash will be beating people up in this story?
5545281 That's... kinda the core concept of Smash Bros. So yes, she will be beating people up.
5548410 Sounds like someone's really feeling it today.
5548596 Thanks. I am feeling it. I have the new smash bros, and I haven't seem a good fanfic like this in a while!
5548602 Well that's good. I hope you have fun both smashing and reading this story. (Note: please don't smash this story. That was poor wording on my part.)
5548610 Its ok. I won't smash it. Keep up the good worK!
is it just me or are there a steadily increasing number ssb fics?
5561609 Well, in the absence of a story mode in Smash for WiiU/3DS (like Subspace Emissary in Brawl), people need a way to fill the void.
5561627 Yeah, i can agree with that.
5561686 Ooh... dat plot twist, tho. Will I use it? Probably no-
*remembers something I have in store for the end*
I just might, actually...
I'd like to point out to everyone that FREAKING RIDLEY IS LEADING THE GOOD GUYS.
So Mario!
Are you implying that the Renegade Alliance is made up of newcomers while most of the veteran smasher (Mario, Link, Fox, etc) are either capture or MIA?
5604661 Not entirely, but you answered some unasked questions correctly.
5615727 Indeed
Should I even question what this whole "Kirby-Pie" thing is about? I'm completely lost with this fanbase when it comes to fanon.
5622160 Well, fanon is fanon. It doesn't have to make sense at first. However, I do plan on explaining it a little better in later chapters. Don't worry.
MARTH! Robin, Ike, and Lucina had better make it in this!
5633331 If you read chapter 6, you'd have seen that Ike is already in this story.
But don't worry. Robin and Lucina will make their way into this story as well.
Possibly even Chrom...
JK, Chrom's still lying on the ground at Arena Ferox. (From the Robin/Lucina trailer.)
When did M. Night Shamalyan write fanfics?
5633384 Ok
5633386 I laugh despite the fact that I don't know exactly what you're talking about since I'm fairly out of the loop when it comes to pop culture.
So one of Twilight's movesets mirrors Robin's spell casting ability with a book. That's a pretty good reference if I say so myself.
Also, I want to thank you for breaking the cliché match up/team parings with Twilight. For a minute there I thought Zelda or Robin was going to appear.
You gave Twilight King Dedede. Congratulations, you have just save story from becoming boring (to me).
So that's why Pinkie is so indifferent about her family at the Rock Farm.
5648518 Glad I could both break cliches and explain a part of the actual show for you in the same story.
However, Robin and Zelda will appear... just later on.
5671432 Oh.
I'm going to take a blind guess...
Is it a blue pikmin that found Twilight
5673333 You should make blind guesses more often. You're pretty good at them.
everyone's waiting for chapter 11
and i'm sitting here thinking about when the villager and the wii fit trainer will be introduced into the story
I think we need a few more fighters to be introduced, but great overall!
5709756 Don't worry. More fighters will be introduced as the story progresses. It might take a while since my pacing is usually a bit...
But they'll show up.
5718028 GREAT!
This is a really great story so far, I can't wait to read more!
Wow I'm amazed of the story is so far!
You have great writing skills
I cant wait to see where Fox and Falco end up in the grand scheme of things.
5975681 Well of course there will be more, but according to some of my recent blog posts, I'm on a universal hiatus until sometime next month. (I'll probably start posting again once Lucas returns to Sm4sh as DLC.)
5979990 Honestly, me neither.
Since this is a Smash 4 crossover, I'd like Twilight to meet Lucina.
I would LIKE to know how Pinkie knows of Smash 4. Also, when is Lucina coming!? On a side note, you have great writing skills.
6096444 Thank you for the compliment.
Also, please save all questions for until you've read every chapter that's been posted.
As for the Twilight meeting Lucina thing, I'll take it into consideration.
Floor ice cream... Oh god I loved that line.
Something tells me Discord paid a visit to Skyworld at one point. Or Palutena takes after Celestia. Either way, they're both trolls.
6134447 I kinda noticed the latter a few times during my playthrough of Uprising.
6134433 But the floor is different depending on the floor ice cream. I personally think that cloud floor ice cream tastes like a mix of cotton candy and vanilla.